Marketing and communications to build meaningful connections between organizations and their customers and employees

Trellis Blog

Marketing Leadership Blog

A Trellis Holiday Letter

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Dear friends and business family,

Well, 2019 is almost in the books, and it’s time for Trellis’s first-ever year-end holiday letter (as it is the end of Trellis’s first ever year).

My fledgling business has had quite a year. We went on a couple of business trips to work on content projects with clients in New Jersey and Chicago. The Jersey trip was especially wonderful as we (that is to say, I) got to spend time with a New York-based client for a day as well. Lately my travel has been focused on the southeast Twin Cities area, downtown Minneapolis and Edina as I travel between clients, networking and my home away from home with Authentic Brand. I’ve also become proficient at Zoom, GoToMeeting and Google video chat after a WebEx-only corporate experience.

Finding and keeping business has been an adventure, and a fun one at that. If you’ve tried to connect with me on LinkedIn since this summer, and you don’t already know me, I probably invited you to coffee so we could actually get to know each other. You know, in real life. I have met some really interesting people that way and almost every conversation has helped me be smarter or find new opportunities or ideas. So thank you for that (you know who you are), and thanks for continuing to keep in touch and send leads my way!

Speaking of uncovering new ideas, people and opportunities: I have experienced an amazing paradox. That is, we usually think it’s tough to balance family and career (and it is!), but we don’t talk often about how our family life can enrich our work. But in fact, the first client I landed 100% on my own was a small business owner I met at my daughter’s field trip. When another client needed help finding speakers I reached out to a handful of parents from preschool and elementary who are friends and have connections. I know more people because of my kiddos. Which allows me to do a job that requires lots of connections. Which allows me to be more present for them. We’re all winning!

Mentoring and connecting with people newer in their career has always been important to me. To that end, Trellis provides its staff (again, me) with time to volunteer with students and young professionals. I especially love mentoring a 2008 St. Ben’s grad through the alum network. We meet once a month and talk about marketing and company politics and personal development and goals. I’ve also been able to speak at career events at St. Ben’s/St. John’s and to meet with communications students at St. Catherine University. I live just a few blocks from St. Kate’s, so it’s nice to be able to connect locally.

In this building year for Trellis, I’ve secured an accountant (Matthew Mohning, a referral from my financial planner, Jesse Karich) and an attorney to make sure my LLC is set up right and my contracts are in order (my former boss Rich Baum). I have an incredible peer network through Authentic Brand and a wider support network of former corporate colleagues, neighbors, CSB/SJU alums and the nice people I meet on LinkedIn and through great events from groups like the Marketers Community, the Passion Collective, the Minnesota High Tech Association, Ellevate, FemCity, and more. I also really love shopping at Poppy for my fun consultant wardrobe.

The wider Trellis team (pictured above) is doing well. I spend time in Will and Anna’s classrooms when I can and get them home right after school every once in a while. Basketball, trumpet, Lego Friends, the new season of Fuller House and cookie baking are the top activities lately. I built a literal trellis in my straw bale garden to grow cucumbers and made about 40 pints of baby dills for Will. Mike is rocking it at the University of St. Thomas, and our dog hasn’t escaped too many times in Q4.

Thank you for your support this year as I’ve discerned my new way of working and started to earn my keep again. I hope we can continue to connect in 2020 and wish you all the best during this holiday season.


Katie Walter
Marketing Consultant | Fractional CMO
Trellis LLC | Authentic Brand

Katie Walter